Go Ahead! merchandise


June 22, 2024

Another year staying alive . I appreciate all your support this past year, and hope to continue providing cool gear for you all.
Let me know if you need some custom printing completed .
Bright Days and Happy Summertime. ev

June 7, 2023

Good day and thank you for visiting the web shop. As I continue to develop the Evanston shirts and more, please let me know if you have any custom projects you would like output. Happy to help with even the production of just one t-shirt. Big or small, I can help you output some gear. Summer has arrived, very best to you all .

June 23, 2022

We are still here. You are still here. Thank You for visiting>
Please stay strong, positive and loving.

March 8, 2021

It’s been almost a year since we shut everything down.
I hope this finds everyone safe and peaceful. Thank you for your continued support.
@GoAheadMerch continues to work on custom orders as well….
If you have a project / design that needs completed, let me know - no matter the size.
From one to a thousand or more. Silk Screening for larger orders, and DTG for smaller orders.
If you have a custom t-shirt that you've always wanted to print as a gift, or art project … or even Brand.
Let me know and drop us a line on the contact page.
Thank You. I will write here sooner than next June. Thank you again.

June 10, 2020

Fight The Power. Be Safe. Be Kind. Fuck Racism.

APRIL 15, 2020

Good Day Everyone. These are strange, unprecedented times in our modern era. Firstly, I hope everyone is being safe and secluded, and have the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. Secondly, I want to thank everyone for their support during this infuriating moment in history. Small Businesses around the globe are running out of time, and while everyone is stretched, now (more than ever) is the moment to engage our compatriots, and choose how we want to spend our time, energy and money . Please support small businesses - especially restaurants, as corporate food will soon take over every corner. I thank you all again for your business and encouragement. Please be well . ev

Coupon Code : SALE20 (Save 20% for sales over $25)

JUNE 26, 2019 : BIO

Christopher May (aka DJ Evil Vince) is an artist, disc jockey, photographer, and the creative mind behind Go Ahead! Merchandise.  An Evanston native (ETHS ’90), Chris graduated from Ohio University in 1994 with a BA in Communications.  Chris’ love for music found him first at Antelis Music, a recording studio in Chicago, as an engineer both during and after college.  He then spent 14 years traveling the world as a merchandiser, photographer and DJ for prominent musicians Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals, Jack Johnson, Coldplay and Bedouin Soundclash.  In 2007 + 2008, Chris spent several months in Aotearoa (New Zealand) working with Maori Artists Gordon Toi Hatfield and Ross McCabe. After returning to Chicago, Chris was brought on by Audiotree Music to launch the company, initially handling merchandising, and photographing artists + events.  He then went on to host Audiotree Live, a 45-minute music program where he interviewed over 200 artists & musicians, and maintained content for the Audiotree website.  Upon moving back into Evanston, Chris founded Go Ahead! Merchandise in 2017 and with a focus on changing the historic paradigm that producing t-shirts (and merchandise) has always handcuffed smaller artists.  When he’s not working on designs for Go Ahead!, Chris works as an A/V specialist at Evanston Township High School and currently spins records (#LiveVinyl) on Friday nights as DJ Evil Vince.  

APRIL 18, 2019

We are still going over here at Go Ahead!
If you need help with a Merchandise Project - please let us know .
Any Merchandise needs ? Please give us a holler .

More Shirts To Come.
Evanstonians, see you at Custer Street Fair.


December 20, 2018

What a year this has been . Thank You for all your support . We are still here. We are making shirts .

Ours and Yours.
Happy New Year To All . More Soon …

NOVEMBER 15, 2018

Do you need a Merch Project Completed?

Drop us a line, we can surely help with your Merchandise needs.
It’s almost the holidays? Do you need T-Shirts?

Let’s Do This.
Made In Evanston.

JULY 16, 2018

Why should you be shopping here?
Original Designs and Connoisseur Lifestyle.

A new vision for Merchandise and Merchandising.
We are a small business, based in Evanston, Illinois. 

Regarding Merch :
The one thing that has always handcuffed smaller businesses, artists and bands is minimum product runs.
The cost of films, setups, screens, labor - always keeping prices high, with no outlook for the little guys.

Go Ahead! Merchandise is updating this paradigm.
We specialize in everything from One-Offs to Full Concert Tours.
If you need 1 Shirt in Chicago,  Let us know. 
If you need 10,000 Tees in Paris,  Let us know.

We can handle one, or all of your merchandising needs.
Design . Manufacturing . Fulfillment . Settlement

We are also realigning the archaic system regarding how designers are paid.
With Go Ahead! Merchandise's platform, the designer and artist profit share.
The Artist will notice a minimal change, while the Designer will see an increase with item popularity.

I have worked in the Music Business and Merchandising for over 20 years, and I am ready for a change.
Much More To Share Soon,  Back To Work.

More Designs Arriving This Week .....
Endangered Species. Music, Art, Empowerment
